Student Checklist
- [ ] Confirm jury repertoire with your teacher
- [ ] Sign up for a time: Jury Signup Sheet will be posted on the door outside WB24
- [ ] Fill out the jury repertoire sheet:
- Juries are 10 or 20 minutes of performance with time to set up
- Undergraduates: sign up for 1 slot (15 minutes)
- Graduate students: sign up for two consecutive slots (30 minutes)
- Avoid gaps in the schedule: sign up for adjacent spots where possible
- Students with recitals in this semester do not need to play juries
At juries, you will bring:
- 2 copies of your music
- All sticks and mallets needed
Dress Code
- Look good! Remember this is your final performance of the semester
- Have all music and mallets prepared in advance on music stand or trap table
- Be prepared to begin early or late, depending on schedule
- Test out your repertoire on the instruments in WB10 before the jury
Determined in consultation with the faculty, except for 1st and 2nd year students:
- 1st and 2nd YearJury Repertoire 2024
- 2 Image works
- 2 Portraits in Ryhthm
- 1-2 Goldenberg etudes
- Material from scales class
- Hochrainer 1-10 if timpani has been studied
- solo repertoire as assigned